Duck's Theme was
quite a funny one to do. This time also it was really hard trying to
find when and where to crop the video, but then when I saw a duck I
thought hmm… that must be duck's theme so I cropped and it was
correct… HORRAY!. After playing the duck's theme and learning it I
helped my friends out if they needed help. If I would have had more
time then I would have definitely learned a few more pieces to get a
higher mark but I tried my best and that is all I could say
You are correct in your locating of the clip. Your pitch is correct. Your rhythm is almost there, you seem to not like playing long notes I've noticed... They are just as important & atmospheric/characteristic as the short ones are. Again, your reflection/process journal says nothing of the process you went through... Please work on this as it is bringing your overall mark down.